web site: rob masding
The Re-Skilling stall at Exmouth Festival 2018 was a great Success! Many young people came to get hands-on experience of: 1. Potting out Seedlings 2. Making a Glove Puppet out of an old sock and some buttons (and probably learning how to sew buttons back on at the same time!) 3. Assembling a Bird Box (necessarily pre-fabricated) Using electric screwdriver 4. Making a re-usable cloth shopping bag (using hand operated sewing machine!) 5. Learn to Knit 6. Learn to Crochet 7. Incidental experience of tools; trowel, screwdriver, sewing machine And just generally learning some valuable transferable skills in the process! Thanks to Everyone who helped, and to Everyone who joined in the fun! Dee reports that youngsters: 1. Assembled 12 bird boxes 2. Planted out 20 seedlings 3. Sewed 5 glove puppets 4. Sewed 20 reusable shopping bags (numbers approximate - no one was counting!) Knitting and crochet didn’t have many takers, but that is more time consuming…
Re-Skilling at Exmouth Festival! May 2018